Thursday, December 22, 2016

HTML5 attributes Continue - Web Development Lessons

Ok. Let us see next part of attributes.

Size Attributes :
                              File size and image size are provide by size attributes.

format of size attributes:

<img src="world.jpg" width="50" height="50">

The above example means "world.jpg" image file will be displayed in your page 50 screen pixel width and 50 screen pixel height.

Example for above :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<TITLE>Web Development Example</TITLE>
<meta charset="UTF-8">

<h1 style="text-align:center;color:green;" title="This is heading 


<p style="text-align:center;color:red">Hi! Greetings. I am a paragraph 

with red colored text and centered.</p>

<a href="">Post Free Ads</a>

<img src="world.jpg" width="50" height="50">

<img src="world.jpg" width="100" height="100">


Output of above HTML code :

Here I displayed same file "world.jpg" in two sizes. One is 50x50 and 100x100. Please try in your computer for this attributes.

Thank you for continue reading....

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