Thursday, December 22, 2016

HTML to HTML5 and attributes in HTML5

How to make a HTML5 page?

Updated version of HTML is HTML5. How to create a HTML5 page. It's simple. Already you know in the previous web pages that how to make a HTML document. HTML5 have slighter changes.

Declaration of HTML in HTML5 is

<!DOCTYPE html>


and need to character encoding command like below:

<meta charset="UTF-8"> It should be added in head tags.

Some elements removed from HTML4 and added some elements instead of that.

Attributes :

Language attribute : How to mention the language of web page? Here is the examples. 
<html lang="en-US"
<html lang="en-UK"

Href attribute :

href attribute is used to note that is a link. Example of href attribute is <a href="">Post Free Ads</a>. A link will be created to in text post free ads. If they click the Post Free Ads text the web page will be opened. Below you can see the example and output.

<TITLE>Web Development Example</TITLE>

<h1 title="This is heading tooltip">Heading</h1>

<p style="text-align:center;color:red">Hi! Greetings. I am a paragraph with red colored text and centered.</p>

<a href="" style="text-align:center" >Post Free Ads</a>


output look like this for above code:

If you click the link the page will open the link which you mentioned into the href attribute.

Attributes will continue in next chapters. Please continue read.... Thank you.

Our some other useful websites :

To learn php - our php tutorial -

To Post free ads - Our Free ads website - and 


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    1. Thank you! for reply. Keep reading Our blog.
