Friday, December 23, 2016

HTML Links - How you put link in your webpage? - Web Develpment

Links in HTML

How you put link to another page from your current page? The link is interconnection between two pages. If user click the link from a page it will redirect to another page.


Google Link

If you click above link it will go to web page. Because I put link in this page to web page.

Ok let us see, how we will put in links in our web pages.

Format for link :

<a href="link_page_URL">Text to display</a>

Example for link :

<a href="">Google Link</a>

Like above you can put link in your code

Put together in your code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<TITLE>Web Development Example</TITLE>
<meta charset="UTF-8">

<a href="">Google Link</a>


Output of above code look like:

Practice yourself in your computer. Will meet in next pages. Thank you.

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