Multimedia using in HTML
Videos, audios, animations, images are called multimedia. We will see how to use multimedia in HTML web page. Sometime you will need to use in your web page to put multimedia files.
The above video is embed from youtube. Here I put for example. If you open this html file the above video will be animated.
Embed Youtube video file to your HTML Page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<TITLE>Embed Video in HTML</TITLE>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<iframe src=""
width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The red color text is the code to embed video on your web page from your youtube video. In the above example I put my video link to make new operating system 16 bit video.
How to take the embed video link:
1) Open a youtube video which you want.
2) Copy the link address from browser address bar. (It will be like this :
3) Remove the word "watch?" and "=" in the link.
4) put a "/" after v. Now the link address will be like this ""
5) Apply the link like above HTML code.
Now you can watch video like above.
Great! I believe it will be very useful to you.
Try it in your web page. Will meet again in next page. Thank you for reading!
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